Pre-Fermly life, we were brewers and one of our flagship beers with CAUTION: Brewing Company was Card Your Mom, a cardamom saison. Known for its warm and highly aromatic flavor reminiscent of camphor, cardamom was an ideal spice for a Belgian Saison, a style with fruity and spicy ester characteristics. With the pivot from CAUTION:, many people thought Mom had retired from the brewing scene.
Looks like Mom had enough of a retirement fund to invest in a rocket ride with our friends at Launch Pad Brewing! Paul Mahoney got to know Mom pretty well from all of the CAUTION: packaging runs at Copper Kettle Brewing Company (where CAUTION: leased packaging space) when he worked there. It wasn’t much of a surprise that he would miss that stick figure with her intrepid walker after he became co-owner/head brewer at Launch Pad Brewing in 2015. If this lady had a fan club, it would be Paul with “Card Your Mom is still one of my favorite beers you guys have brewed” as president.
Spice beers are challenging to brew. It takes years of experimentation to know how much is enough. Cardamom is one of the most expensive spices by weight, so we treated it with the same care as sending anything to space. In this collaboration with our friends at Launch Pad Brewing, Launch Your Mom features the old favorite flavors of cardamom floral aroma with well-balanced citrus notes on the background of a classic Belgian Saison. Well attenuated and fermented at the upper range of Saison yeast, the champagne bubbliness pulls out fruity, earthy, and citrus flavors supported by the gentle sweetness of cardamom and zest of Citra hops.

Let it fly, Mom!
Launch Your Mom will be available at Launch Pad Brewery in Aurora, CO on 01/23/2024.